Halt and catch
Halt and catch

halt and catch


Rogers and Christopher Cantwell originally set up the series as a conventional antihero drama about the sneering, self-proclaimed genius Joe Macmillan (Lee Pace), who hijacks a small Texas computer manufacturer in the early 1980s and tries to get it to build his dream machine. Like so many TV dramas of the 2010s, Halt and Catch Fire has some false starts. But as we watch them fail, we also see them become better people for having known each other - even if they frequently come into bitter conflict with one another. And because they live in our world, we know that they will fail to take out the Apples and Googles and Facebooks of the world. The characters on this show strive and strive and strive to build a better computer, then a better internet experience, and finally a better search engine. It also absolutely nails a tone that’s tricky to manage: optimism, tempered with a sense of how hard it is to accomplish anything with real meaning in this world. It’s a foolproof people-pleaser with a little bit of something for everyone. Invariably, the people I recommend the show to at least like it, and most of them come away loving it.

halt and catch

In all the years I’ve been working as a TV critic, no show I’ve recommended has had more people end up digging it than Halt and Catch Fire, the ’80s- and ’90s-set tech world drama that aired on AMC from 2014-2017 that now can be watched in its entirety on Netflix.

Halt and catch